Website News

Obviously if you are reading this page then you have already found the new web address for all my music information. Circumstances have forced me to move to from .eu and hopefully I will be here for many years to come. I have been very preoccupied for the past 18 months but there is new music on the way, I promise as 8 songs already sorted and two more on the boil. Look out for more info as the year progresses. Thanks for looking in.

Award for the song “Waiting For My Baby Again”

The song Waiting For My Baby Again taken from the fourth album Breaking Out has won the Akedemia Award for Best Blues Rock category for January 2017. The song was released in early 2016 and is a Bluesy 12 bar theme with plenty of slide guitar.
Great News as this is my second song to win an award!!!
Check out the Awards Page.

Follow Me On Spotify

Hi again

I am trying to get verified on Spotify and to do so I need at least 250 followers.  So if you like my music or even perhaps only one of the tracks can you press the follow button for me please.  It would help me progress my music considerably and I would really appreciate it thanks. By the way this web site has a

button on just about every page so go on press one for me and get me above the 250 followers mark.  Thanks again